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23 March 2023

Today we are launching Together.do, our brand-new partnership acceleration platform. After months of closed alpha testing, we are excited to ship it to a broader audience of brands striving for a sustainable online acquisition playbook.

With our beta, we release our Matchmaker, a partner recommendation engine that will push relevant partnership opportunities based on many parameters regarding brands, their audience and communities. We are working hard to add new ones in the coming weeks.

We also release the first iteration of our Partnership Project Manager, a collaborative tool focused on cross-organization projects, in association with a Chat to make it easy to communicate. We look forward to adding integrations with the most valuable tools e-merchants are using every day.

These changes aim to help businesses find the right partners to collaborate with and manage those partnerships more efficiently. With Matchmaker's intelligent partner recommendations and Partnership Project Manager's collaborative features, businesses can streamline their partnership processes and focus on achieving their goals.

The launch of Together.do is expected to benefit businesses by providing them with access to a practical online acquisition playbook that enables them to build sustainable partnerships. With Matchmaker's recommendation engine and Partnership Project Manager's collaborative tools, businesses can now identify potential partners aligned with their objectives and accelerate growth through synergies.

We hope Together.do will help brands spin their approach to partnerships by providing them with a comprehensive platform that streamlines collaboration at all levels.