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Together's changelog
New updates and improvements to Together
Search releases
29 June 2023

Main releases

Filter matchmaker companies by type of product sold & community size?

Now you can! This is our first implementation of filters in this feature, but others will follow.

A "Tools" section has appeared under "Messaging" and "Partnerships"?

We've just given you access to a new feature that will help you generate content! For the moment, it's in the embryonic stage, but already allows you to pre-write :

  • competition posts with a partner company

  • co-marketed content with a partner company

  • Don't hesitate to send us your feedback on this subject, which will be key to improving the value of this feature!

You inspire us!

We've been working hard on your key feedback! Here are the main points:

  • A new login page: much nicer than the old one!

  • New onboarding for newcomers: one less step, cool illustrations, a little less info requested, but more relevant!

  • Improved matching algorithm: fewer competitors found, thanks to the work of Jérémy, our "Mister Data"!

  • And lots more to come in the coming weeks... Get ready to match your future partners!

Improved User Experience and Bug Fixes:

  • Redesigned the layout to provide better readability and decrease clutter on smaller screens.

  • Implemented improved language management for better user experience.

  • Improved empty states in messages and partnerships sections.

  • Displayed key information for matched brands more prominently.

  • Streamlined onboarding process for a clearer and faster access.

  • Increased visibility of clickable links for social media profiles.

  • Fixed infinite loading issue during login.

These updates have been implemented to enhance user experience, address reported issues, and streamline various aspects of our platform. We hope these changes make your experience on Together more enjoyable and efficient!

Note: The mentioned changes are part of our last recent releases. Log now to access these new features and improvements!

12 May 2023

We are excited to announce our latest updates and improvements to Together.do, the platform for brand collaboration. Our aim is to make it easier for you to find potential partners and create harmonious collaborations.


Our updates and improvements are based on feedback from you: our users. We listened carefully to your suggestions and implemented changes accordingly, with the goal of making our platform more user-friendly and efficient.


  • Instagram feed integration: We have integrated the Instagram pics of brands present on the platform. This will allow you to see their latest posts and get a visual overview of their identity before matching with them.

  • New messaging experience: We have redesigned our messaging experience by integrating more visible information about matched brands. This will allow you to see key details about your potential partners without leaving the messaging environment and make interacting easier.

  • Together team breaking the ice: We're introducing the "Ice breaker" logic, to kick off your conversations post-match. By doing so we hope to give you conversation starter ideas with your new partners!

  • Brand's country of origin display: To better identify potential partners, we now display the country of origin of brands on their profile.

  • Better mobile/tablet display: We have optimized the platform for a more comfortable use on mobile and tablet, allowing you to view Together.do wherever you are and whatever you use.

  • Access to your own card: You can now see how your brand is presented to other users of the platform, to make sure your profile reflects the image you want to convey.

What will happen now?

With these updates, we hope that it will be easier for you to find potential partners and create successful co-acquisition campaigns. You can take advantage of these new features by logging into your Together.do account. If you have any questions or suggestions, you can make an appointment with Robin, our Head of Product, to share your remarks.

We are committed to constantly improving our platform based on user feedback, so don't hesitate to post your suggestions on our Feedback widget on the right of your screen.

Stay tuned for even more updates in the future!

Tags: together.do, collaboration, brand partnerships

23 March 2023

Today we are launching Together.do, our brand-new partnership acceleration platform. After months of closed alpha testing, we are excited to ship it to a broader audience of brands striving for a sustainable online acquisition playbook.

With our beta, we release our Matchmaker, a partner recommendation engine that will push relevant partnership opportunities based on many parameters regarding brands, their audience and communities. We are working hard to add new ones in the coming weeks.

We also release the first iteration of our Partnership Project Manager, a collaborative tool focused on cross-organization projects, in association with a Chat to make it easy to communicate. We look forward to adding integrations with the most valuable tools e-merchants are using every day.

These changes aim to help businesses find the right partners to collaborate with and manage those partnerships more efficiently. With Matchmaker's intelligent partner recommendations and Partnership Project Manager's collaborative features, businesses can streamline their partnership processes and focus on achieving their goals.

The launch of Together.do is expected to benefit businesses by providing them with access to a practical online acquisition playbook that enables them to build sustainable partnerships. With Matchmaker's recommendation engine and Partnership Project Manager's collaborative tools, businesses can now identify potential partners aligned with their objectives and accelerate growth through synergies.

We hope Together.do will help brands spin their approach to partnerships by providing them with a comprehensive platform that streamlines collaboration at all levels.